Commercial Real Estate Overview-Then the rest of the story
Like many who watch the commercial real estate market, we track and monitor as much as possible. As leases renew and end, or clients take new space or renovate a current space, we are interested. Like many of our competitors and affiliated vendors and suppliers, we flow with the solvency or success and growth of commercial real estate. So, what are the experts prognosticating and predicting for the commercial real estate markets in Georgia in 2022? It’s exciting to ask real estate reps, what they think about our robust real estate market. I can say with certainty, that the woman and men of commercial real estate, see it as robust, sustaining and hot for the next 18 months. Thats good news for furniture design dealerships, movers, space planners, designers, contractors, labor markets and more. 14 Important Factors Impacting Commercial Real Estate In 2021 And Beyond (
The commercial real estate industry operating at 110% is a blessing for all of us for jobs creation, small businesses growth, safer and unique work environments as businesses adapt to the new normal, the post pandemic, or however you would like to label it.
Safe to say, many have suffered physically, mentally, emotionally and financially due to the pandemic crisis. Now, more than ever, changing your perspective and considering the possibilities of a unique, inviting, warm, work environment is critical for attracting and keeping the best talent. more importantly, defining the entire workplace plan will help get your company operating efficiently from their homes or offices.
While office buildings are upgraded, and some businesses exit large spaces for more efficient or more economic lease scenarios, the need for what your new office looks like will start with idea starters, a space plan, and or design ideas to move you in the right direction.
Seven Predictions for Atlanta’s Commercial Real Estate in 2022 | What Now Atlanta
The Rest of the Story-
What are business leaders planning for their office environment and policies? The Office Occupancy Issue-
The links above can help with what other Real Estate experts are predicting for 2022 and beyond, while reflecting on 2021. In terms of office space and your need to occupy a physical office and likely a WFH policy, there is much going on. Whether a client is considering a new space, hybrid policy and office space, an internal office renovation, selling off furniture, and even deciding on at home office solution, our goal within these solutions, is to help clients with what specific solution are needed for their office environment planning purposes.
As you and your executive leaders consider how you want to work in the coming years (WFH, Hybrid, Fully Occupied Office, etc.), do your homework, contact guys like me, or a designer and engineer if needed for space upgrades or changes to the physical space. Priority one should be a CURRENT, RECENTLY UPDATED, CAD. If you cannot get one, email us at ti*@bt************.com, we can get you a CAD for your space or field measure the space. Refer to peer group or chats like SHRM, HRMA, IFMA, BOMA, etc. and others like Pinterest for idea starters, what’s hot in office design, and how to get and keep employees highly engaged in the new space.
It appears, from our 30 years of office design and move management, that a high percentage of tenants we engage with are in fact implementing a complete hybrid office space and work from home solution, requiring technology policy changes and the entire way some employees were working pre pandemic. Find out much more about what other companies are doing as they return and plan for the future. You can learn more if you follow this link; 4 Ways to Bridge the Equity Gap in a Hybrid Workforce – Employer Resource Center (
While we are all working toward a new normal, as it relates to your WorkLife balance, now more than ever, with all that has happened in the last 2.5 years, you need to factor in that baby boomers and generation xers will be working in the office as financial conditions for them have changed. It is comforting and wise to pay attention to what other industries and your own are doing to tackle the office management issues. The driving objectives have to be Safety, Security, Comfort, and a program policy to assist greatly in recruiting the best talent in any demographic. We, like others in our space, have great examples of how companies have attained the best Return on Investment for an effective office furniture strategy long term. These returns can include the savings for turnover of employees, retainment of employees and overall productivity of these employees. other ROI drivers can include a furniture design company that can give you pricing that helps you throughout the furniture life cycle and the depreciation schedule for the commodity or asset. Once your company establishes your long-term staffing strategy, contacting a furniture design dealership can be a great first step or one of the top 5 discussions you should start the process with. Start said process at least a year before the move date. we have hundreds of these questions you should be asking and considering. These are available at or ti*@bt************.com
- How many employees will work in the office?
- How many employees will work from home?
- How Many employees will need at home office sets?
- Will other employee centric offices (The Enterprise) need to be part of the strategy?
- Culturally will you need to design offices unique to that community?
- With working from home (WFH) employees, consider great seating for comfort and productivity
- Once securing leases (even before), contract a designer to assist with interior design and space planning
- Technology for enterprise-wide conversations and meetings need to be planned for?
- Schedule your initial furniture meetings for 24 weeks before you need the furniture for (Supply Chain Management)
- for any blog post, research and checklist for initiating your next furniture strategy.
- We have included finishes we have completed during the first six months of 2022-
There are many solutions for each tenant, client, or business leasing or creating a new space in an office building. Most furniture dealerships offer very similar lines and looks. Work hard to request office finishes and even visits to the space of another company in your industry, or close to your industry. More than likely, many of you are already doing research through your Industry Groups like; SHRM.ORG, IFMA, BOMA, HRMA and others who is where we find experts in human resources, operations, facilities and office administration. Collaboration is key to ensure you have dotted all i’s and crossed all t’s. As a side note, from experience, the greatest challenge for suppliers like us is helping clients create buy in and finalize the decisions for a single office space or an enterprise-wide office space strategy. Decisions about office furniture seem to be more critical and thought provoking for top executives and their managers. Hence the reason to start the process early.
In summary-Design Thoughts and help
Biophilic design–
We like to talk about the importance of biophilic design when designing your office space. Essentially, biophilic design focuses on incorporating elements of nature throughout your office space. Whether you have access to an outdoor space or not, every office can embrace biophilic design.
2022 is the time to stray away from rows of desks and artificial lighting. Look to incorporate natural materials like wood, water, and plants into your office space. This can be done by using materials like wood, bamboo, or stone, or including waterfalls, fish tanks, and plants. Even if your space struggles with natural lighting, there are many low maintenance plants that thrive in low light areas like cacti and snake plants.
Biophilic design has been shown to reduce stress, improve focus, boost creativity, and improve overall well-being. With the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on employers and employees alike, implementing nature elements will be more important than ever. Start small by implementing aquariums and plants (Live Plants).
People have grown accustomed to working from the comfort of their own home, so comfort needs to be a top priority for your 2022 office.
Some on trend ways to bring the comfort if the home to the office include:
Plush carpeting
Comfortable seating
Warm lighting
Indoor plants
Outdoor seating (if applicable)
If you were one of the many people who worked from home, think about your own habits. Did you stay at your desk all day, or did you move from room to room? 45% of teleworkers regularly work from the couch and 38% work from bed. While we don’t recommend installing mattresses in your workspace, a plush couch is a great option for those that need a break from a traditional desk.
Sustainability is very important to us at Business Transition 360. Maintaining a healthy planet is just as important as designing a beautiful workplace, which is why we work with eco-conscious manufacturers that use products from sustainable materials and are carbon neutral.
Aside from sustainable materials, an eco-friendly office should focus on energy efficiency. LED lighting and increased access to natural lighting are not only energy efficient, but also increase productivity for employees.
Business Transition 360 operates with a mission to treat people as they would expect to be treated. Researching and sharing information through our blog, newsletter, mailers, and other social media sites is one of our favorite monthly things to do. If we help just one executive or manager figure out a better way for them to improve their business operation-We have succeeded in our monthly and daily quest to help, serve and pay our experiences forward.
Designing an office with as many new trends and ideas is virtually impossible, however, when you select the right partners and suppliers, you are off to a good start in managing and creating a winning office environment. Last link is a great review and ideas for making your office even more homey. This is ironic to a veteran of office furniture sales, furniture design, move management and removal of old assets, as 30 years ago it was all about separating work from home to some degree, right? Frankly, as a business owner, seeing the pandemic change everything was bot spiritual and refreshing. Work Life Balance? what a concept?
How to Make Your Office Feel More Like Home | Common Desk (
Furngully | Corporate office design trends you need to know for 2022